Be part of the Dominion Movement
Take action today and help spread the message of the film
Visit and request 'Dominion: Documentary' to help get the film on Netflix
Join and follow our social media pages to keep up to date with our latest campaigns:
Dominion: Documentary and Farm Transparency Project on Facebook
Farm Transparency Project on Instagram
Donate or join the Dominion Movement Action Team as a regular monthly donor
Order and display car windscreen decals, or bulk stickers to put up around your neighbourhood, to help advertise the film
Recommend the film on Facebook and post the trailer
Chalk '' on pavements and walls, or use a liquid chalk pen to advertise on your car windows
Persuade at least one non-vegan friend to watch the whole film
Host a screening or have a movie night with friends, family, colleagues
Get active with a local group such as The Save Movement; join protests, rallies, demos, marches